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Ep. 33: The Perfect Storm

Ep. 33: The Perfect Storm

The LBM Industry is in the Perfect Storm, a condition unlike anything this industry has seen before. Demand is up, but Supply is down. So how do you find a balance? In Episode 33, Brett goes over the historic background that set the stage for the current climate,...

Ep. 31: Cocktails with the Queens of the LBM

Ep. 31: Cocktails with the Queens of the LBM

This episode is a perfect model of this amazing industry. The Lumber/Building Materials industry is an essential industry that has space and freedom to have some fun and this show is nothing short of that. This episode was actually recorded as a happy hour with some...

Ep. 29: The Eye of the Beholder

Ep. 29: The Eye of the Beholder

The depth and opportunities for the art industry are vast and amazing.  In Episode 29, I connect with Martha Weidmann from Nine Dot Arts to find out how they are adding the beauty of art to the building materials industry and the passion, detail, and commitment...

Ep. 28: Don’t Sell Yourself Short…ages

Ep. 28: Don’t Sell Yourself Short…ages

Product shortages have become the new norm in our current and future market conditions. Despite the challenges, shortages can be handled with positive effects both short term and long term. If you or your company do not have a plan to overcome product shortage...

Ep. 26: New Year, New Career

Ep. 26: New Year, New Career

Is your New Year’s Resolution a new job or career change? Tune into this episode with James Aiken with Legacy Search. We breakdown his Talent Marketing Guide and provide listeners with all of the necessary steps and tools to best position themselves for achieving...

Ep. 25: 2021 Has Begun

Ep. 25: 2021 Has Begun

It's time to celebrate as the Building The Future Podcast turns 1 year old!! On this first episode of the new year, I reflect back on the beginning of the re-roaring 20's as well as provide some goals for 2021.   

Ep. 24: Reflections & Forecasts with the NAHB

Ep. 24: Reflections & Forecasts with the NAHB

As we wrap up this crazy year, I wanted to reflect back on the year and forecast what the future might hold for this industry. I meet with Danushka Nanayakkara of the National Association of Home Builders to discuss the impacts of 2020 to the housing market and how...

Ep. 23: Construction Technology is Here to Stay

Ep. 23: Construction Technology is Here to Stay

Though slow to adapt, technology plays a major role in construction industry. On this episode, Kendall Jones from ConstructConnect and I discuss what construction technology is, how it's used and why it's important. Like it or not, technology is the future of building...

Ep. 22: Happy Birthday Buddy

Ep. 22: Happy Birthday Buddy

In this industry, products come and products go. We must take time to celebrate and honor those that are passing the test of time and streamlining the way we do business. Jeff Tweten with Lumber Buddy and Work Safe, Work Smart knows a few thing about efficiency and...

Ep. 21: Winning at Company Culture Part #2

Ep. 21: Winning at Company Culture Part #2

If you want the very best company culture, then you have to learn from the very best. In this episode, Ken and I go deeper into world-class company culture meaning, and develop a playbook on how to achieve it. If you're in the pursuit of excellence, this episode is...

Ep. 20: Teaching and old dog a new trick

Ep. 20: Teaching and old dog a new trick

In order to grow and strengthen, we must finds ways to be more efficient and effective. Technology can be a useful tool in doing this, and MaterialsXchange is offering technology that may optimize and streamline your business. In this episode we put them under the...

Ep. 19: To be, or not to be…efficient

Ep. 19: To be, or not to be…efficient

In this episode with Ruth Kellick-Grubbs, we discuss operation efficiencies and why they are so important. We further discuss the pitfalls of inefficiencies and how to identify them and correct course. If you seek to optimize and maximize your business, operation...

Ep. 18: Halftime of the Re-Roaring 20’s Part II

Ep. 18: Halftime of the Re-Roaring 20’s Part II

The re-roaring 20's have begun and are living up to the name to say the least. Just past the halfway mark of 2020, the world and our country has tilted a direction unfamiliar to most. In this episode, I connect with dealers from different regions of the country to...

Ep. 17: Halftime of the Re-Roaring 20’s Part 1

Ep. 17: Halftime of the Re-Roaring 20’s Part 1

The re-roaring 20's have begun and are living up to the name to say the least. Just past the halfway mark of 2020, the world and our country has tilted a direction unfamiliar to most. In this episode, I connect with dealers from different regions of the country to...

Ep. 16: Let Your Voice Be Heard

Ep. 16: Let Your Voice Be Heard

It is more important now than ever for our industries voice to be heard. Walter Foxworth and I discuss legislative advocacy and why it is so important. If we want changes in building the future, they have to be made by us. For more information of Walter Foxworth and...

Ep. 15: Failure to Launch…Successfully

Ep. 15: Failure to Launch…Successfully

Failure to plan is the same as planning to fail. Often times when new products are launched there is no plan of going to market and this is the reason that every year there are new products that never get off the ground level and fail. In this episode Tom Zimmerman of...

Ep. 14: Finding the Power In You

Ep. 14: Finding the Power In You

On this episode with Rick Davis, we talk about personal development and growth. Rick shares his success stories and how you can use his information and experience to achieve your goals. If you want to find out more about Rick, check out episode #6....

Ep. 13: If We Don’t Build It Up, They Won’t Come

Ep. 13: If We Don’t Build It Up, They Won’t Come

One of the key components of building the future of our industry is bringing new people into our industry. We must also educate them on the opportunities and give them the tools & skills necessary to succeed. As an industry we all have to do this because nobody...

Ep. 12: The Credit Overlord

Ep. 12: The Credit Overlord

Sales are worthless if you never get paid for them. This reason alone is why collections are so important but collections are only one piece of the credit management puzzle. Thea Dudley, The Credit Overlord, joins me to define credit management and confirm why it is...

Ep. 11: The Year of the Corona

Ep. 11: The Year of the Corona

The COVID-19 virus has put the world at a tilt and has etched 2020 into the pages of history. As America is reopening for business, the direction of the economy has undergone many shifts and is still looking for solid stable ground to progress. Craig Webb and I...

Ep. 10: Memoirs of a Headhunter

Ep. 10: Memoirs of a Headhunter

If your #1 assets are your employees, then your recruiting and hiring process needs to be on the same level. If it's not, Building Gurus and the Building The Future Podcast are here to help. And if that's not enough, Rikka Brandon will find your next needle! For more...

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