by btfpodcast | Jul 27, 2022 | In The Field
Quality, service, price, and relationship are the keys to success in sales, with relationships being the only component you have 100% control over. Tune in to “The Superforce Multiplier” with Randy Chaffee to learn from his 40-plus years of experience building...
by btfpodcast | Aug 25, 2021 | In The Office
Team is not a universal term. A team can take many different shapes and styles. This holds true for a sales team as well. In “No ‘I’ in Sales Team”, Brett discusses a team that truly functions as a single unit and the advantages this provides...
by btfpodcast | Feb 24, 2021 | In The Office, Podcast
Product shortages have become the new norm in our current and future market conditions. Despite the challenges, shortages can be handled with positive effects both short term and long term. If you or your company do not have a plan to overcome product shortage...